This Week in GTK+ – 19

In this last week, the master branch of GTK+ has seen 24 commits, with 3731 lines added and 3351 lines removed.

Planning and status
  • Matthias released GTK+ 3.22.1, and created the gtk-3-22 branch for stable releases
  • The window on the master branch is now open for the 4.0 development
  • Benjamin Otte has started working on the removal of the 3.x deprecated API in his wip/otte/gtk4 branch
  • Timm Bäder is removing the deprecated style API in his wip/baedert/box branch
  • The GTK+ road map is available on the wiki.
Notable changes
  • Matthias is working on the build system to ensure that the master branch is parallel installable with the gtk-3-22 and gtk-2-24 stable branches
  • The old and deprecated AM_PATH_GTK_3_0 m4 macro for autotools-based build systems has been removed from the master branch; projects depending on GTK+ 3.x should already have been ported to just use pkg-config and the PKG_CHECK_MODULES macro instead.
Bugs fixed
  • 772695 Show the keyboard shortcuts from left to right even in RTL
  • 772345 placesviewrow: busy_spinner when visible offsets the rest of the widgets on the row
  • 772415 Avoid calling eglGetDisplay
  • 772389 Appending a character to a GtkEntry control in overwrite mode rings the bell
Getting involved

Interested in working on GTK+? Look at the list of bugs for newcomers and join the IRC channel #gtk+ on