GTK 4.4

GTK 4.4.0 is now available for download in the usual places. Here are some highlights of the work that has gone into it.

The NGL renderer and GL support

The NGL renderer has continued to see improvements. This includes speedups, fixes for transformed rendering, avoiding huge intermediate textures, and correct handling of partial color fonts. After some help from driver developers, NGL now works correctly with the Mali driver. We are planning to drop the original GL renderer in the next cycle.

Outside of GSK, our OpenGL setup code has been cleaned up and simplified. We increasingly rely on EGL, and require EGL 1.4 now. On X11 we use EGL, falling back to GLX if needed. On Windows, we default to using WGL.

Our GL support works fine with the latest NVidia driver.


The included themes have been reorganized and renamed. We now ship themes that are called Default, Default-dark, Default-hc and Default-hc-dark. The Adwaita theme is moving to libadwaita.

Among the smaller theme improvements are new error underlines (they are now dotted instead of squiggly) and support for translucent text selections.


Input handling has seen active development this cycle. We’ve matched the behavior of the built-in input method with IBus for displaying and handling compose sequences and dead keys. As part of this, we now support multiple dead keys and dead key combinations that don’t produce a single Unicode character (such as ẅ).

We fully support 32-bit keysyms now, so using Unicode keysyms (e.g. for combining marks) works.


Our Emoji data has been updated to CLDR 39, and we can are looking for translated Emoji data by both language and territory (e.g. it-ch).


The Inspector is now enabled by default, so debugging GTK applications should be a litte easier.


Apart from the WGL improvements that were already mentioned, we now use GL for media playback on Windows. A big change that landed late in 4.4 is that we use the WinPointer API for tablets and other input devices now, replacing the outdated wintab API. DND support on Windows is also improved, and the local DND protocol has been dropped.

The numbers

GTK 4.4 is the result of 5 months of development, with 838 individual commits from 71 developers; a total of 88133 lines were added and 63094 removed.

Developers with the most changesets
Matthias Clasen 456 54.4%
Benjamin Otte 82 9.8%
Emmanuele Bassi 48 5.7%
Alexander Mikhaylenko 35 4.2%
Chun-wei Fan 30 3.6%
Christian Hergert 18 2.1%
Luca Bacci 17 2.0%
Carlos Garnacho 10 1.2%
Bilal Elmoussaoui 10 1.2%
Florian Müllner 7 0.8%
Yuri Chornoivan 6 0.7%
Maximiliano Sandoval R 6 0.7%
Marc-André Lureau 5 0.6%
Marco Trevisan (Treviño) 5 0.6%
Pawan Chitrakar 5 0.6%
Piotr Drąg 4 0.5%
Timm Bäder 4 0.5%
Xavier Claessens 4 0.5%
Zhi 4 0.5%
Sebastian Cherek 4 0.5%

The GTK Documentation

As you may have noticed, there have been various changes in the GNOME developer documentation website, as of late. These changes also affected the API references for GTK and its core dependencies.

What has changed

The main change is that GTK moved to a new documentation tool for its API reference and ancillary documentation, called gi-docgen. Unlike the previous documentation tool, gtk-doc, gi-docgen uses the introspection data that is generated by GObject-based libraries to build the API reference. This has multiple benefits:

  • gi-docgen is simpler to run and integrate within an existing library, as it only has a single project description file and relies on the introspection data for everything else; additionally, it can be easily included as a Meson sub-project
  • gi-docgen uses Markdown everywhere, instead of DocBook
  • gi-docgen is considerably faster, as it does not perform an additional source code parsing step; it does not have the bottleneck of the XML to HTML conversion via xsltproc; and it does not have to parse Devhelp files to fix cross-references to other libraries after generating the reference
  • gi-docgen can infer much more information about an API, as it has access to the entire introspection data for a library, including its dependencies; this allows the automatic generation of more accurate and consistent documentation, instead of relying on humans to do this job
  • gi-docgen generates stable URLs for all the API entry points and additional documentation, which means it’s easier to link to and from it without using obscure references
  • the default documentation template is usable on different form factors and layouts; it respects the dark theme options on web browsers that support it; and provides an in-tree live search functionality that does not depend on third party services
  • gi-docgen can also be run out of tree—this will come in handy later

Outside of these improvements, using the introspection data as the source for the documentation has additional benefits: it keeps us honest in the type of API we expose to non-C users; and it makes the C API reference closer to the reference in other languages that consume the same data.

GTK4, Pango, and GdkPixbuf have been migrated to this new tool, and while we were at it, we also reviewed the documentation to improve its consistency and accuracy—especially for the older sections of the API.

The new API references can be used offline through Devhelp 41, which will be released next September alongside GNOME 41.

Online documentation

The canonical online location for the GTK references is now There you will find the API references for:

The API references for GTK3 and ATK have been moved to as well.

The website is generated by the GTK CI pipeline, so it is always up to date with the state of the repository; thanks to gi-docgen supporting out of tree builds, the website can also generate documentation for various libraries that have not been ported to gi-docgen yet, like GLib, GTK3, and ATK.

Known issues

Of course, with any large change come side effects.

The main issue is the change in the URLs for the documentation; existing documentation referencing locations on will have to be fixed. Thanks to the GNOME system administrators we have some redirects in place, and there are ideas on how to improve them without creating an unmaintainable mess of static redirections.

The new documentation website is in the process of being indexed by various search engines; the more you use it, and link to it, the easier it will be for the new references to raise in ranking. In any case, we strongly encourage you to use the search feature: simply press ‘s’ to start searching for symbols and types, or even content inside the extra documentation pages.

Unfortunately, GLib’s introspection data has some issues, given how low level the C API is; we are working on improving that, which will have an impact not only in the documentation but also in the overall bindability of the API in other languages.

The documentation for GLib, GObject, GIO, and GTK3 is also still written for gtk-doc; this means that cross-links in the documentation may not work; the content may not be rendered as nicely; or there can be redundant paragraphs. This will be fixed in the future, both by changes in gi-docgen (wherever possible) and by updating the documentation inside the libraries themselves. This will also improve the language bindings documentation, as they consume the same introspection data as gi-docgen. Help in this effort is very much welcome.

Text input in GTK 4

To wrap up the recent series of posts about input topics, lets talk about text editing in GTK 4.

The simple: shortcuts

Maybe you just need to handle a few keys as editing commands, for example Ctrl-z to undo. In that case, you can just use a shortcut with an action, and set it all up in your widgets class_init:

/* install an undo action */ 
gtk_widget_class_install_action (widget_class,
                                  "text.undo", NULL,

/* bind Ctrl-z to the undo action */
 gtk_widget_class_add_binding_action (widget_class,
                                      GDK_KEY_z, GDK_CONTROL_MASK,
                                      "text.undo", NULL);

The complex: a text editor

When you need full text editing, the best approach is to re-use one of the ready-made widgets in GTK for this purpose: one of the entries, or if you need a full-blown text editor, GtkTextView.

If none of the existing entries fit your use case, you can also wrap your own GtkEditable implementation around a GtkText widget, and get all the hard parts of a text editing widget for free. The GTK docs explain how to do that.

The middle ground

But what if you don’t want an entry, but still need to let your users enter individual Unicode characters such as ñ or Å conveniently? I’ll let you come up with a use case for this (although I have one in mind).

One thing you can do is to use a GtkIMContext directly, and let it process key events for you. The way this works is that you attach a key event controller to your widget and connect an input method context to it:

controller = gtk_event_controller_key_new ();
gtk_widget_add_controller (widget, controller);

im_context = gtk_im_multicontext_new ();
gtk_event_controller_key_set_im_context (controller, im_context);

Now key events that reach your widget will be passed to the input method context. Connect a handler to its ::commit signal to receive the completed input:

static void
commit_cb (GtkIMContext *context,
           const char   *str,
           DemoWidget   *demo)
  pango_layout_set_text (demo->layout, str, -1);
  pango_layout_set_attributes (demo->layout, NULL);
  gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (demo));


g_signal_connect (im_context, "commit",
                  G_CALLBACK (commit_cb), demo);

You can connect a similar handler to the ::preedit-changed signal to provide the user feedback during preedit like GtkEntry does.

The complete example for single-character input can be found here.

More on input

I’ve written about input before (here and here), and more recently, Carlos and myself gave a Guadec talk about input-related topics (slides). In those writings, I have explained how dead keys work, and how you can type

<dead_acute> A

to produce an Á character.

But input is full of surprises, and I’ve just learned about an alternative to dead keys that is worth presenting here.


First lets recap what happens when you send the <dead_acute> A sequence to GTK.

We receive the first key event and notice that it is a dead key, so we stash it in what we call the preedit, and wait for the next event.  When the next key arrives, and it represents a letter (more precisely, is in one of the Unicode categories Ll, Lu, Lt, Lm or Lo), we look up the Unicode combining mark matching the dead_acute, which is U+301 COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT, and then we flip the sequence around. So the text that gets committed is

A <combining acute>

The reason that we have to flip things around is that combining marks go after the base character, while dead keys go before.

This works, but it is a bit unintuitive for writing multi-accented characters. You have to think about the accents you want to apply from top to bottom, since they get applied backwards. For example to create an  with an acute accent on top, you type

<dead_acute> <dead_circumflex> A

which then gets flipped around and ends up as:

A <combinining circumflex> <combining acute>

A better way

To me, it feels much more natural to specify the accents in that order:

  1. give me an A
  2. then put a ^ on top
  3. and then put an ´ on top

The good news is: we can do just that! Keyboard layouts can use any Unicode character as keysyms, so we can just use the combining marks directly, without the detour through dead keys.

For example, the “English (US,  Intl, AltGr Unicode combining)” layout contains keys for combining marks. A slight hurdle to using this layout is that it does not show up in the GNOME Settings keyboard panel by default. You have to run

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources show-all-sources true

to make it show up.

The combining marks in this layout are placed in a “3rd level”. To use them, you need to set up a “3rd level chooser” key. In the keyboard panel, this is called the “Alternative Characters Key”. A common choice is the right Alt key.

After all these preparations, you can now type A Alt+^ Alt+’ to get an   with an   ́ on top. Neat!