Drag-and-drop in lists

I’ve recently had an occasion to implement reordering of a GtkListBox via drag-and-drop (DND). It was not that complicated. Since I haven’t seen drag-and-drop used much with list boxes, here is a quick summary of what is needed to get the basics working.

Setting up the drag source

There are two ways to make a GTK+ widget a drag source (i.e. a place where clicking and dragging will initiate a DND operation). You can decide dynamically to initiate a drag by calling gtk_drag_begin(). But we go for the simpler approach here: we just declare statically that our list rows should be drag sources, and let GTK+ handle all the details:

handle = gtk_event_box_new ();
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (handle),
        gtk_image_new_from_icon_name ("open-menu-symbolic", 1));
gtk_drag_source_set (handle,
        GDK_BUTTON1_MASK, entries, 1, GDK_ACTION_MOVE);

Note that I choose to create a visible drag handle here instead of allowing drags to start anywhere on the row. It looks like this:

The entries tell GTK+ what data we want to offer via drags from this source. In our case, we will not offer a standard mime type like text/plain, but instead make up our own, private type, and also hint GTK+ that we don’t want to support drags to other applications:

static GtkTargetEntry entries[] = {

A little gotcha here is that the widget you set up as drag source must have a GdkWindow. A GtkButton or a GtkEventBox (as in this example) will work. GTK4 will offer a different API to create drag sources that avoids the need for a window.

With this code in place, you can already drag your rows, but so far, there’s nowhere to drop them. Lets fix that.

Accepting drops

In contrast to drags, where we created a visible drag handle to give users a hint that drag-and-drop is supported, we want to just accept drops anywhere in the list. The easiest way to do that is to just make each row a drop target (i.e. a place that will potentially accept drops).

gtk_drag_dest_set (row,

The entries are the same that we discussed above. GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_ALL tells GTK+ to handle all aspects of the DND operation for us, so we can keep this example simple.

Now we can start a drag on the handle, and we can drop it on some other row. But nothing happens after that. We need to do a little bit of extra work to make the reordering happen. Lets do that next.

Transferring the data

Drag-and-drop is often used to transfer data between applications. GTK+ uses a data holder object called GtkSelectionData for this. To send and receive data, we need to connect to signals on both the source and the target side:

g_signal_connect (handle, "drag-data-get",
        G_CALLBACK (drag_data_get), NULL);
g_signal_connect (row, "drag-data-received",
        G_CALLBACK (drag_data_received), NULL);

On the source side, the drag-data-get signal is emitted when GTK+ needs the data to send it to the drop target. In our case, the function will just put a pointer to the source widget in the selection data:

gtk_selection_data_set (selection_data,
        gdk_atom_intern_static_string ("GTK_LIST_BOX_ROW"),
        (const guchar *)&widget,
        sizeof (gpointer));

On the target side, drag-data-received is emitted on the drop target when GTK+ passes the data it received on to the application. In our case, we will pull the pointer out of the selection data, and reorder the row.

handle = *(gpointer*)gtk_selection_data_get_data (selection_data);
source = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (handle, GTK_TYPE_LIST_BOX_ROW);

if (source == target)

source_list = gtk_widget_get_parent (source);
target_list = gtk_widget_get_parent (target);
position = gtk_list_box_row_get_index (GTK_LIST_BOX_ROW (target));

g_object_ref (source);
gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (source_list), source);
gtk_list_box_insert (GTK_LIST_BOX (target_list), source, position);
g_object_unref (source);

The only trick here is that we need to take a reference on the widget before removing it from its parent container, to prevent it from getting finalized.

And with this, we have reorderable rows. Yay!

As a final step, lets make it look good.

A nice drag icon

So far, during the drag, you just see just the cursor, which is not very helpful and not very pretty. The expected behavior is to drag a visual representation of the row.

To make that happen, we connect to the drag-begin signal on the drag source:

g_signal_connect (handle, "drag-begin",
        G_CALLBACK (drag_begin), NULL);

…and do some extra work to create a nice ‘drag icon’:

row = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (widget, GTK_TYPE_LIST_BOX_ROW);
gtk_widget_get_allocation (row, &alloc);
surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
                                      alloc.width, alloc.height);
cr = cairo_create (surface);
gtk_widget_draw (row, cr);

gtk_drag_set_icon_surface (context, surface);

cairo_destroy (cr);
cairo_surface_destroy (surface);

This looks more complicated than it is – we are creating a cairo surface of the right size, render the row widget to it (the signal is emitted on the handle, so we have to find the row as an ancestor).

Unfortunately, this does not yet yield a perfect result, since list box rows generally don’t render a background or frame. To work around that, we can temporarily add a custom style class to the row’s style context, and use some custom CSS to ensure we get a background and frame:

context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (row);
gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "drag-icon");
gtk_widget_draw (row, cr);
gtk_style_context_remove_class (context, "drag-icon")

As an extra refinement, we can set an offset on the surface, to prevent a visual ‘jump’ at the beginning of the drag, by placing this code before the gtk_drag_set_icon_surface() call:

gtk_widget_translate_coordinates (widget, row, 0, 0, &x, &y);
cairo_surface_set_device_offset (surface, -x, -y);


Next steps

This article just shows the simplest possible setup for row reordering by drag-and-drop. Many refinements are possible, some easy and some not so easy.

An obvious enhancement is to allow dragging between different lists in the same application. This is just a matter of being careful about the handling of the list widgets in the drag_data_received() call, and the code I have shown here should already work for this.

Another refinement would be to drop the row before or after the target row, depending on which edge is closer. Together with this, you probably want to modify the drop target highlighing to indicate the edge where the drop will happen. This could be done in different ways, but all of them will require listening to drag-motion events and juggling event coordinates, which is not something I wanted to get into here.

Finally, scrolling the list during the drag. This is important for long lists, if you want to drag a row from the top to bottom – if the list doesn’t scroll, you have to do this in page increments, which is just too cumbersome. Implementing this may be easiest by moving the drag target to be the list widget itself, instead of the individual rows.


The GTK+ Inspector

Many GTK+ users and developers have already heard of the GTK+ Inspector, a tool to inspect, modify and understand GTK+ applications. The Inspector is extremely powerful, and allows theme designers to test CSS changes on-the-fly and magnify widgets to see even the smallest details, lets developers check the application widgets and their properties, and lets users to play (and eventually break) applications.

In this article, we’ll explore the GTK+ Inspector and show what can you do with it.


Since the Inspector is a debugging tool, it is disabled by default. To start using the Inspector, you first have to enable it. You can easily do that with DConf Editor:

Enabling the Gtk+ Inspector with DConf Editor
Enabling the GTK+ Inspector with DConf Editor

Alternatively, you can use the terminal to enable it. To do that, run the following command:

$ gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.Debug enable-inspector-keybinding true

Done! The Inspector is now enabled!

Opening the Inspector

Now that the Inspector is enabled, you want to run it. The Inspector is always associated with an application. Let’s use GNOME Calendar for example:

GNOME Calendar
The GNOME Calendar application

There are multiple ways to bring up the Inspector. You can open it while using the application, by typing <Ctrl> + <Shift> + D (or <Ctrl> + <Shift> + I to automatically select the widget under the mouse pointer). Alternatively, you can launch the application from the terminal with the environment variable GTK_DEBUG=interactive.

The Inspector will open, and you’ll see the following window:

Inspector on Calendar
The Inspector window over GNOME Calendar

And that’s all you have to do. Now let’s explore the various functions that the Inspector has to offer.

Exploring the Inspector

At first, the overwhelming number of buttons and tabs can confuse those who are not well-versed in the art of inspecting applications. A quick explanation of the tabs, in order:

  • Objects: exposes the widgets of the application, and allows editing properties and seeing detailed information about each widget. Explained below.
  • Statistics: shows miscellaneous statistics of the application. You need to run the application with GOBJECT_DEBUG=instance-count.
  • Resources: shows the various resources that are embedded in the application binary, such as custom icons or GtkBuilder files, among others.
  • CSS: allows testing CSS live. Explained below.
  • Visual: controls some visual aspects of the application, such as the text direction, dark/light variant, the theme, the scaling factor, etc.
  • General: shows miscellaneous information about the GTK+ application (and the session it is running in).

Let’s dissect the main window of the GTK+ Inspector:

Inspector window
The main Inspector window

Those 4 annotated sections of the Inspector are the most commonly used ones. Theme designers will want to check (3) and (4), while developers usually use (1) and (2).

Inspecting widgets

For developers, the Inspector shows its usefulness by letting you change the properties of any widget on the screen. Let’s start by clicking the first button and selecting a widget using the mouse cursor:

Selecting widgets
Selecting a widget with the Inspector

You can now easily change the properties of that widget by browsing the Objects > Properties tab. You can change, for example, the visibility of a widget, the text of a label, and much more!

Editing a widget property
Editing a widget property

Now that you know how to inspect a GTK+ application, play around and explore how many applications are organized. Change the widgets’ properties and see what happens. Most of the times, this is safe and won’t break your GNOME session, or freeze your computer!

Editing CSS

The Inspector is a powerful tool for designers too. One of the greatest features it has is the live CSS editor. Let’s start by going to the CSS tab:

CSS Editor
The Inspector CSS Editor view

Let’s play with CSS! Paste the following CSS code and see what happens:

window stack {
    background-color: orange;

Whoa! The window became alien! That CSS code changes the background color of any GtkStack widget inside a GtkWindow. If you want to learn more about CSS selectors and how GTK+ is using CSS for theming, there are some useful links at the end of this article.

The cautious reader may ask: what is the hierarchy of CSS elements? How can I see which CSS elements are available?

Fear not! GTK+ Inspector allows you to easily check the CSS hierarchy at the Objects > CSS Nodes tab.

CSS Nodes
The CSS Nodes tab

GTK+ widgets have documented CSS names. You can browse the GTK+ documentation to see how widgets are organized, and how you can use CSS to control the various aspects of the widgets.

Not sure if your CSS changes are perfect? Let’s magnify the widget to make sure we don’t miss any detail:

Zooming widget using Magnifier
Zooming a widget using the Magnifier tab

Looking good? Join -design and share your awsome CSS snipplets with the community!

Wrapping up

While this article explores some of the biggest aspects of the GTK+ Inspector, this is by far not an exhaustive list of all the features of the Inspector. After reading this article, however, you’ll hopefully be able to open the Inspector and explore more of its awesome power on your own.

Doubts? Comments? Suggestions? Stop by and leave a comment, join #gtk+ channel at the GNOME IRC network and let us know what you think!

Useful Links

Controlling content sizes in GtkScrolledWindow

The GtkScrolledWindow widget is an old friend of Gtk+ application developers; its purpose is to allow big widgets to fit into small spaces through the use of scroll bars.

GtkScrolledWindow Example
A vertical GtkScrolledWindow in action

Since Gtk+ 3.0, GtkScrolledWindow has the ability to set the minimum content sizes (both width and height) through the GtkScrolledWindow:min-content-width and GtkScrolledWindow:min-content-height properties, and their related functions.

Starting from the next stable release, Gtk+ will also provide the maximum size counterparts of those properties.

What Do They Do?

The minimum sizes properties, as the name implies, define the minimum size, be it width or height, that the scrollable area will have – even if its child does not completely fill the available space.

scrolledwindow min-content-height
The scrolled window is allocated even when child widgets don’t fill the available space.

The maximum content sizes, on the other hand, define how much the scrollable area is allowed to grow before its contents will starts scrolling.

Lets see it in action:

scroll animation
Example demonstrating minimum and maximum content sizes. The scrolled window is never smaller than 110px, and never taller than 250px.
Where & How to Use Them

You want to use the new properties whenever you want to limit the size of the scrollable area. For example, GtkPopover always shrinks its children widgets to their minimum sizes. The following section exemplifies how to make the content grow to at most 300px, both width and height wise:

  <object class="GtkPopover">
      <object class="GtkScrolledWindow">
        <property name="visible">True</property>
        <property name="max-content-width">300</property>
        <property name="max-content-height">300</property>

Alternatively, you can call gtk_scrolled_window_set_max_content_width() and gtk_scrolled_window_set_max_content_height() if you want to achieve the same thing programmatically.