A scrolling primer

A few years ago, I wrote a post about scrolling in GTK+ 3. Time for another look!

The common case

The basic idea of the changes described back then is still the same. We expect touchpad (or track point) scrolling to be one of the most common forms of scrolling, and the scrollbar operates as a narrow indicator for this.

As you can see, we change the cursor to indicate scrolling, and it you can freely scroll in all directions. It is kinetic, too.

Classical scrolling

Of course, it is still possible to just click and drag the slider, for classical scrolling.

Another aspect of ‘classical’ scrolling is that you can click on the trough outside the slider, and either warp the position to where you clicked, or jump in page-size increments.

By default, a primary click warps, and Shift-primary click goes by pages. We just added back middle click as an alternative to Shift-primary click, since this is a common alternative that many people are used to. For mainly historical reasons, GTK+ has a setting, gtk-primary-button-warps-slider, which switches the roles of primary click and Shift-primary click for this.

The typical keyboard shortcuts (Page Up, Page Down, Home, End) let you control scrolling with the keyboard.

Smooth scrolling

There’s more to scrolling in GTK+ that you may not know about. One feature that we introduced long ago is a ‘zoom’ or ‘fine adjustment’ mode, which slows the scrolling down to allow pixel-precise positioning.

To trigger this mode you can either use a long press or shift-click in the slider. As you can see in the video, once you move the pointer below or above the scrollbar, it will keep scrolling at the same relaxed speed until you let go.

As a variation on this theme, more recently we added a variable speed variant of smooth scrolling.

To trigger it, you secondary click in the trough outside the slider. Once the scrolling starts, you can control the speed by moving the pointer closer or farther away from the scrollbar. This is pretty addictive, once you’ve discovered it!

Custom locations

As the last feature, applications can add a context menu that gets triggered by secondary click on the slider, and make it scroll to important positions.

Thats it, scroll on!

Progress towards GTK+ 4

Last week at GUADEC in Manchester, the GTK+ maintainers and interested folks met for a working session during the unconference days.

Georges already did a nice job summarizing the results in his blog post, which you should read (if only to see some pictures of the assembled GTK+ folks).

GTK+ 3

We did briefly discuss GTK+ 3. Our impression is that most people are enjoying the stability that came with GTK+ 3.22 and are not in a rush to jump on a new, less stable toolkit version.

The general consensus was that we should maintain a pretty strict stance on API additions in GTK+ 3, but allow new features in when their is a high enough benefit. Examples for this that came up are the client-side versus server-side negotiation protocol support for Wayland, or color emoji support.

GTK+ 4

The bulk of the time was devoted to discussing all the things that we want or need to complete for GTK+ 4. We have a pretty good idea who is going to work on each of these items, but we did not nail down a very detailed timeline for completing them.

At the end, we collected a list of the items that we consider blockers:

  • Constraint-based layout
  • Support for defining states and transitions in ui files
  • Designer support
  • Convert keyboard handling to event controllers
  • Non-fallback text rendering
  • A finished GL renderer
  • Clean support for subsurfaces in GDK
  • No more root window in GDK
  • Event cleanup

Some of these bullet points deserve a more detailed discussion.

Constraint-based layout, states and designer support

Layout with constraints is a flexible system, and it has been successful on other platforms. More importantly, it is much closer to the way most humans thing about laying out things on a screen or piece of paper, and it will hopefully provide a common language that designers and developers of GTK+ applications can communicate in.

The Emeus widget that Emmanuele and others have been working on for a while is using constraints to find positions and sizes for child widgets of an individual container.

The plan for integrating it into GTK+ is a bit more ambitious: We envision a single constraints solver per toplevel that all the containers inside the window add their constraints to. This will require the current containers in GTK+ to express their layout algorithms in terms of constraints, which should not be too hard in most cases, and can be done piecemeal.

States and transitions between them is something that Christian Hergert has prototyped in libdazzle. The idea here is to define not just a complex widget such as a dialog, but also its main states and how transitions between them should work, in a ui file. This will lets us have a UI designer tool that is not just about arranging widgets on a canvas, but goes towards story-boarding and designing transitions. This is of course much easier said than done…

Keyboard handling

Christian took some time to describe the shortcuts engine that he has written for gnome builder, which currently lives in libdazzle. It has some interesting features, like capture-bubble event handling, chording (i.e. multi-key sequences such as Ctrl-C Ctrl-X), tight integration with actions, and the ability to automatically generate help for keyboard shortcuts.

The plan in this area is to take the best features from Christians engine and turn them into one or more GtkEventControllers. Once this work is complete, we will convert all widgets to use event controllers instead of key-press signal handlers.

GtkBindingSet will also be replaced by event controllers.

Text rendering

The Vulkan renderer for GSK is more or less complete. It can render most of what the CSS machinery produces efficiently, using shaders. The big exception is text: what happens for text currently is we render it to a surface using cairo, then upload the surface to a texture, and then use that in render node. For every frame.

What needs to happen here is that we upload the glyphs we need into a larger texture that we keep around as atlas, and then create text render nodes that refer to the atlas.

Since text is a pretty important ingredient in user interfaces, we can’t really claim that we’ve validated the render node approach until we have proper text rendering implemented for Vulkan.

The GL renderer

Benjamin has done most of the work to get the Vulkan renderer to an almost complete state. While he was doing that, the GL renderer has fallen behind – it does not have the shaders that are used in Vulkan.

What needs to happen here is to abstract out the common parts, and backport the rest from Vulkan to its GL equivalent. A not so fun aspect of this is that we may eventually need more than one variant of GL renderer, for legacy GL and GLES platforms. But we can probably get away with just a modern GL renderer, at least initially.

Fonts and Text

A separate session was devoted to new features in our text rendering stack. The features that were the topic here are variable fonts and color emoji. Unfortunately, I missed most of the discussion, but a summary of the outcome is that:

  • Behdad has a rough plan for what needs to be done in pango and fontconfig for supporting variable fonts. This involves new syntax in PangoFontDescription for specifying axis values and new API in PangoFontFamily to obtain information about available axes.
  • During GUADEC, Behdad merged support for color emoji in cairo, fontconfig and pango and I started to work on some simple emoji input in GTK+. That has landed now too, in both GTK+ 3 and master.


We touched on too many other topics to summarize them all here. One of them was the state of accessibility, but that is a topic for another time.

Container secrets: size allocation, part 6


We are entering another of the more mysterious areas of GTK+ size allocation. Baselines move widgets from a simple box-with-width-and-height model to one where widgets can be aligned vertically in more interesting ways. The main place where this is matters is text. The readers eye is very sensitive to words moving up and down as you move along a line of text. Baselines are there to avoid that.


Since this is about aligning children vertically wrt. to each other, baselines are only relevant when the container is in horizontal orientation.

Measure above and below

Since children can now have a ‘forced’ alignment, simply t aking the maximum of the children’s heights is no longer sufficient. The alignment might cause children to ‘stick out’ at the top or the bottom, requiring a greater overall height. In order to handle this, we measure the parts ‘above the baseline’ and the parts ‘below the baseline’ separately, and maximize them separately.

for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  gtk_widget_measure (child[i],
                      &child_min, &child_nat,
                      &child_min_baseline, &child_nat_baseline);

   below_min = MAX (below_min, child_min - child_min_baseline);
   above_min = MAX (above_min, child_min_baseline);
   below_nat = MAX (below_nat, child_nat - child_nat_baseline);
   above_nat = MAX (above_nat, child_nat_baseline);

total_min = above_min + below_min;
total_nat = above_nat + below_nat;

This code leaves out some details, such as dealing with children that don’t return a baseline.

Allocate on baseline

On the allocation side, there are two cases: either we are given a baseline that we have to align our children to, or we have to determine a baseline ourselves. In the latter case, we need to do essentially the same we already did for measuring: determine the below and above sizes separately, and use them to find our baseline:

for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  if (gtk_widget_get_valign (child[i]) != GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE)

  gtk_widget_measure (child[i],
                      &child_min, &child_nat,
                      &child_min_baseline, &child_nat_baseline);

  below_min = MAX (below_min, child_min - child_min_baseline);
  below_nat = MAX (below_nat, child_nat - child_nat_baseline);
  above_min = MAX (above_min, child_min_baseline);
  above_nat = MAX (above_nat, child_nat_baseline);

When it comes to determining the baseline, we again have a choice to make. When there is more space available than the minimum, do we place the baseline as high as possible, or as low as possible, or somewhere in the middle? GtkBox has a ::baseline-position property to leave this choice to the user, and we do the same here.

switch (baseline_position) {
    baseline = above_min;
    baseline = above_min + (height - (above_min + below_min)) / 2;
    baseline = height - below_min;
Expanded, baseline position: center
Compressed, baseline position: top
Compressed, baseline position: center
Compressed, baseline position: bottom


This ends our journey through GTK+’s size allocation machinery. I hope you enjoyed it.


  1. Container secrets: size allocation
  2. Container secrets: size allocation, part 2
  3. Container secrets: size allocation, part 3
  4. Container secrets: size allocation, part 4
  5. Container secrets: size allocation, part 5
  6. The code with these changes

Container secrets: size allocation, part 5


Many widgets in GTK+ can be oriented either horizontally or vertically. Anything from a separator to a toolbar is implementing the GtkOrientable interface to allow this to be changed at runtime, by setting the ::orientation property. So, obviously, GtkCenterBox should follow this pattern too.

I’m not explaining in detail how to add the interface and implement the property. The interesting part for us is how we are going to use the orientation property during size allocation.

Thankfully, much of our machinery is already written in terms of a single dimension, and can be applied to a height just as well as a width. What remains to be done is going through all the functions, and making sure that we take the orientation into account whenever we do something that depends on it. For example, we introduce a little helper to query the proper expand property.

static gboolean
get_expand (GtkWidget *widget,
            GtkOrientation orientation)
  if (orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)
    return gtk_widget_get_hexpand (widget);
    return gtk_widget_get_vexpand (widget);

One thing to keep in mind is that some of the features we implement here only apply in horizontal orientation, such as right-to-left flipping, or baselines.

The measure() function changes to avoid hardcoding horizontal orientation:

if (orientation == self->orientation)
  gtk_center_box_measure_orientation (widget, orientation, for_size,
                                      minimum, natural,
                                      min_baseline, nat_baseline);
  gtk_center_box_measure_opposite (widget, orientation, for_size,
                                   minimum, natural,
                                   min_baseline, nat_baseline);

The size_allocate() function calls distribute() to distribute either the width or the height, depending on orientation:

if (self->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) {
  size = width;
  for_size = height;
} else {
  size = height;
  for_size = width;
distribute (self, for_size, size, sizes);

After these straightforward, but tedious changes, we can orient a center box vertically:


  1. Container secrets: size allocation
  2. Container secrets: size allocation, part 2
  3. Container secrets: size allocation, part 3
  4. Container secrets: size allocation, part 4
  5. The code with these changes

Container secrets: size allocation, part 4


This is where we enter the deeper parts of GTK+ size allocation. Height-for-width means that a widget does not have a single minimum size, but it might be able to accommodate a smaller width in return for getting a bigger height. Most widgets are not like this. The typical example for this behavior is a label that can wrap its text in multiple lines:


Height-for-width makes size allocation more expensive, so containers have to enable it explicitly, by setting a request mode. In general, containers should look at their children and use the request mode that is preferred by the majority of them. For simplicity, we just hardcode height-for-width here:

static GtkSizeRequestMode
gtk_center_box_get_request_mode (GtkWidget *widget)

Measure both ways

The idiomatic way to write a measure() function that can handle height-for-width is to break it down into two cases: one where we are measuring along the orientation of the layout, and one where we are measuring in the opposite direction.

  measure_orientation (widget, for_size,
                       minimum, natural,
                       minimum_baseline, natural_baseline);
  measure_opposite (widget, for_size,
                    minimum, natural,
                    minimum_baseline, natural_baseline);

Measuring in the direction of the orientation is just like what our measure() function has done all along: we get a height, so we ask all children how much width they need for that height, and we sum up the answers.

Measuring in the opposite direction means to answer the question: given this width, how much height do you need ? We want to ask the children the same question, but what width should we give to each child ? We can’t just pass the full width to each child, since we don’t want them to overlap.


To solve this, we need to distribute the available width among the children. This is just what our size_allocate() function is doing, so we need to break out the guts of size_allocate() out into a separate function.

Unsurprisingly, we will call the new function distribute().

static void
distribute (GtkCenterBox *self,
            int for_size,
            int size,
            GtkRequestedSize *sizes)
   /* Do whatever size_allocate() used to do
    * to determine sizes

  sizes[0].minimum_size = start_size;
  sizes[1].minimum_size = center_size;
  sizes[2].minimum_size = end_size;

Now that we know how to get candidate widths for the children, we can complete the function to measure in the opposite direction. As before, we eventually return the maximum of the required heights for our children, since our layout is horizontal.

Note that orientation is GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL in this case, so the min and nat values returned by the gtk_widget_measure() calls are heights.

distribute (self, -1, width, sizes);

gtk_widget_measure (start_widget,
                    &start_min, &start_nat,
                    &min_baseline, &nat_baseline);

gtk_widget_measure (center_widget,
                    &center_min, &center_nat,
                    &min_baseline, &nat_baseline);

gtk_widget_measure (end_widget,
                    &end_min, &end_nat,
                    &min_baseline, &nat_baseline);

*minimum = MAX (start_min, center_min, end_min);
*natural = MAX (start_nat, center_nat, end_nat);

Since we have now broken out the bulk of size_allocate() into the distribute() function, we can just call it from there and then do the remaining work that is necessary to assign positions to the children (since distribute already gave us the sizes).

Slightly below natural size
and smaller
and smaller


  1. Container secrets: size allocation
  2. Container secrets: size allocation, part 2
  3. Container secrets: size allocation, part 3
  4. The code with these changes
  5. Documentation of height-for-width geometry management

Container secrets: size allocation, part 3

 Expanding children

The next stop in our quest for featureful size allocation is the ::expand property. There are actually two of them,  ::hexpand and ::vexpand, and they have a somewhat interesting behavior of propagating upwards in the widget hierarchy. But that is not what we are going to discuss today, we simply want to give the children of our center box widget all the available space if they have the ::hexpand flag set.

Once again, the measure() implementation can stay as it is. And once again, we need to make a decision about who to expand first, if more than one child has an expand flag set. GtkBox tries to treat all its children the same, and evenly distributes the available extra space among all expanding children. We, on the other hand, prefer the center child, since it is the most important one.

But how do we go about this ? After some experimentation, I figured that if we already have to push the center child to the left or right because it does not fit, there is not point in making it even larger. Therefore we only respect the expand flag if that is not the case:

center_expand = gtk_widget_get_hexpand (center);

if (left_size > center_x)
  center_x = left_size;
else if (width - right_size < center_pos + center_size)
  center_x = width - center_width - right_size;
else if (center_expand) {
  center_width = width - 2 * MAX (left_size, right_size);
  center_x = (width / 2) - (center_width / 2);

After doing this, there may still be some space left that we can give to the outer children, if they are expanding:

if (left_expand)
  left_size = center_pos - left_pos;
if (right_expand)
  right_size = pos + width - (center_pos + center_width);
No expanding children
Center child expanding
End child expanding
Center and end children expanding


  1. Container secrets: size allocation
  2. Container secrets: size allocation, part 2
  3. The code with these changes

Container secrets: size allocation, part 2

Right-to-left languages

As the first thing in this series, we add back support for right-to-left languages.

It may be a little surprising if you are only used to writing software in English, but GTK+ has traditionally tried to ‘do the right thing’ automatically for languages that are written from right to left like Hebrew. Concretely, that means that we interpret the starting position in horizontal layouts to be on the right in these languages, i.e. we ‘flip’ horizontal arrangements. This can of course be overridden, by setting the ::text-direction property of the container. By default, the text direction gets determined from the locale.

This is of course very easy to do. The code I showed in the first post assumes left-to-right order of the children. We keep it that way and just reorder the children when necessary. Note that the measure() code doesn’t need any change, since it does not depend on the order at all. So, we just change size_allocate():

if (text_direction == rtl) {
  child[0] = last;
  child[1] = center;
  child[2] = first;
} else {
  child[0] = first;
  child[1] = center;
  child[2] = last;

One small gotcha that I haven’t mentioned yet: CSS assumes that :first-child is always the leftmost element, regardless of text direction. So, when we are moving child widgets from the left side to the right side in RTL context, we need to reorder the corresponding CSS nodes when the text direction changes.

if (direction == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR) {
  first = gtk_widget_get_css_node (start_widget);
  last = gtk_widget_get_css_node (end_widget);
} else {
  first = gtk_widget_get_css_node (end_widget);
  last = gtk_widget_get_css_node (start_widget);

parent = gtk_widget_get_css_node (box);
gtk_css_node_insert_after (parent, first, NULL);
gtk_css_node_insert_before (parent, last, NULL);

Natural size

Since this was easy, we’ll press on and make our size allocation respect natural size too.

In GTK+ every widget has not just a minimum size, which is the smallest size that it can usefully present itself in, but also a preferred or natural size. The measure() function returns both of these sizes.

For natural size, we can do slightly better than the code we showed last time. Back then, we simply calculated the natural size of the box by adding up the natural sizes of all children. But we want to center the middle child, so lets ask for enough room to give all children their natural size and put the middle child in the center:

*natural = child2_nat + 2 * MAX (child1_nat, child3_nat);

The size_allocate() function needs more work, and here we have some decisions to make. With 3 children vying for the available space, and the extra constraint imposed by centering, we could prefer to give more space to the outer children, or make the center child bigger. Since centering is the defining feature of this widget, I went with the latter choice.

So, how much space can we give to the center widget ? We don’t want to make it smaller than the minimum size, or bigger than the natural size, and we need to leave at least the minimum required space for the outer children.

center_size = CLAMP (width - (left_min + right_min),
                     center_min, center_nat);

Next, lets figure out how much space we can give to the outer children. We obviously can’t hand out more than we have left after giving the center child its part, and we have to split the remaining space evenly in order for centering to work (which is what avail in the code below is about). Again, want to respect the childs minimum and natural size.

avail = MIN ( (width - center_size) / 2,
              width - (center_size + right_min));
left_size = CLAMP (avail, left_min, left_nat);

And similarly for the right child. After determining the child sizes, all that is left is to assign the positions in the same way we’ve seen in part one: put the outer children at the very left and right, then center the middle child and push it to the right or left to avoid overlap.

Natural size
Below natural size
Minimum size


  1. Container secrets, size allocation
  2. The code with these changes

Container secrets: size allocation

I recently had an opportunity to reimplement size allocation for a container with all the things that GTK+ supports:

  • RTL support
  • Natural size
  • Align and expand
  • Height-for-width
  • Orientation support
  • Baselines

If you do a one-off container in an application, most of these may not matter, but in a general-purpose GTK+ widget, all of them are likely to become relevant sooner or later.

Since this is quite a lot of ground to cover, it will take a few posts to get through this. Lets get started!

The starting point

GtkCenterBox is a simple widget that can contain three child widgets – it is not a GtkContainer, at least not currently. In GTK+ 4, any widget can be a parent of other widgets. The layout that GtkCenterBox applies to its children is to center the middle child, as long as that is possible.  This is functionality that GtkBox provides in GTK+ 3, but the center child handling complicates an already complex container. Therefore we are moving it into a separate widget in GTK+ 4.

Natural size
Below natural size
Minimum size

When I started looking at the GtkCenterBox size allocation code, it was very simple. The two methods to look at are measure() and size_allocate().

The measure implementation was just measuring the three children, adding up the minimum and natural sizes in horizontal direction, and taking their maximum in vertical direction. In rough pseudo-code:

if (orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) {
  *minimum = child1_min + child2_min + child3_min;
  *natural = child1_nat + child2_nat + child3_nat;
} else {
  *minimum = MAX(child1_min, child2_min, child3_min);
  *natural = MAX(child1_min, child2_min, child3_min);

The size_allocate implementation was putting the first child to the left, the last child to the right, and then placed the middle child in the center, eliminating overlaps by pushing it to the right or left, as needed.

child1_width = child1_min;
child2_width = child2_min;
child3_width = child3_min;
child1_x = 0;
child3_x = total_width - child3_width;
child2_x = total_width/2 - child2_width/2;
if (child2_x < child1_x + child1_width)
  child2_2 = child1_x + child1_width;
else if (child2_x + child2_width > child3_x)
  child2_x = child3_x - child2_width;

As you can see, this is pretty straightforward. Sadly, it does not have any of the features I listed above:

  • Children always get their minimum size
  • The ::expand property is not taken into account
  • The first child is always placed at the left, regardless of text direction
  • No vertical orientation
  • No height-for-width support
  • Baselines are ignored

Over the next few posts, I’ll try to show how to add these features back, hopefully clarifying some of the mysteries of how GTK+ size allocation works, along the way.


  1. First commit in the series
  2. Documentation for GtkWidget size allocation
  3. The code that we start from

Drag-and-Drop in lists, revisited

My previous post on Drag-and-Drop in lists made some compromises in order to present the simplest, fully functional implementation. One of these was that we could only draw the drop target highlight around entire rows, whereas the drop really inserts the dropped row between rows. Lets try to do better!

Changing the target

In the simplified version, we made every row a drop target. This time around, we will change this and have just the list itself accept drops.

gtk_drag_dest_set (list,
                   entries, 1,
g_signal_connect (list, "drag-data-received",
                  G_CALLBACK (drag_data_received), NULL);

If you compare this to what was done before, you may notice another change: Instead of GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_ALL, we now just request the default behavior for motion and drop. We no longer request the default behavior for highlighting, since we want to handle that ourselves.

In order to do so, we need to connect to the drag-motion and drag-leave signals. These are emitted on the drop target, i.e. the list:

 g_signal_connect (list, "drag-motion",
                   G_CALLBACK (drag_motion), NULL);
 g_signal_connect (list, "drag-leave",
                   G_CALLBACK (drag_leave), NULL);

Mind the gap

The basic idea for our improved drag highlighting is that we keep track of the two adjacent rows between which the drop will happen, and use the GTK+ CSS machinery to create a suitable highlight of the gap.

This requires a bit too much code to show in full here, but the idea is as follows: Find the row that is currently under the cursor with gtk_list_box_get_row_at_y(). Look at its allocation to to find out if the cursor is in the top or bottom half of the row. Depending on that, we pick either the following or the preceding row as the other member for our pair of rows.

row = gtk_list_box_get_row_at_y (list, y);
gtk_widget_get_allocation (row, &alloc);
if (y < alloc.y + alloc.height/2)
    row_after = row;
    row_before = get_row_before (list, row);
    row_before = row;
    row_after = get_row_after (list, row);

There are some corner cases which I am omitting here, e.g. when the hovered row is the first or last row, or when we are hovering over ’empty space’ in the list.

CSS Highlights

I said we would be using CSS for creating the highlight. The easiest way to do so is to just add style classes to the two rows we’ve found:

gtk_style_context_add_class (
                      gtk_widget_get_style_context (row_before),
gtk_style_context_add_class (
                      gtk_widget_get_style_context (row_after),

And then we will use some custom CSS to create our highlight. In case you are wondering: #4e9a06 is the drag highlight color used in the Adwaita theme.

.row.drag-hover-top {
  border-top: 1px solid #4e9a06; 
.row.drag-hover-bottom {
  border-bottom: 1px solid #4e9a06; 

This is again omitting the corner cases that I’ve mentioned before.

How did we get here ?

Dropping the row onto the place it came from does not achieve anything. It makes sense to mark the place where the drag started in some way to make this obvious. We can again use CSS for this, and add a style class to the dragged row in our drag_begin() method:

gtk_style_context_add_class (gtk_widget_get_style_context (row),

In order to give the row a bit a highlight when we are hovering over it, we add an extra style class to it in our drag_motion() handler:

if (row == drag_row)
    gtk_style_context_add_class (gtk_widget_get_style_context (row),
    row_before = get_row_before (row);
    row_after = get_row_after (row);
else …

And here is the CSS for these classes:

.row.drag-row {
  color: gray;
  background: alpha(gray,0.2);
 .row.drag-row.drag-hover {
  border-top: 1px solid #4e9a06;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #4e9a06;
  color: #4e9a06;

Putting it all together

(Sorry about the broken cursors. We should really fix this in gnome-shell’s screen recorder.)


  1. The complete example, testlist3.c
  2. The GTK+ DND documentation

Container secrets

I recently spent some time tracking down a problem with GTK+ containers and drawing. Here is what I found out.

CSS drawing

In GTK+ 3.22, most, if not all, containers support the full CSS drawing model with multiple layers of backgrounds and borders. This is how, for example, GtkFrame draws its frame nowadays. But also containers that normally only arrange their children, such as GtkBox, can draw backgrounds and borders. The possibilities are endless!

For example, we can use a GtkBox to put a frame around a list box and a label, to make the label visually appear as part of the list. You can even make it colorful and fun, using some CSS like:

box.frame {
 border: 5px solid magenta;

Allocation and resizing

Traditionally, most containers in GTK+ are not doing any drawing of their own and just arrange their children, and thus there is no real need for them to do a full redraw when their size changes – it is enough to redraw the children. This is what gtk_container_set_reallocate_redraws() is about. And it defaults to FALSE in GTK+ 3, since we did not want to risk adding excessive redraws  whenever allocations change.

You can see where this is going: If I use the delete button to remove Butter and Salt from the list of ingredients, the allocation of the list, and thus of the box around it, will shrink, and we get a redraw problem.

The solution

If you plan to make plain layout containers draw backgrounds or borders, make sure to set reallocate-redraws to TRUE for the right widgets (in this case, the parent of the fun box).

gtk_container_reallocate_redraws (GTK_CONTAINER (parent), TRUE);

Note that gtk_container_reallocate_redraws() is deprecated in GTK+ 3.22, since we will get rid of it in GTK+ 4 and do the right thing automatically. But that shouldn’t stop you from using it to fix this issue.

Another (and maybe better) alternative is to use a container that is meant to draw a border, such as GtkFrame.